Mr. Comyns Carr's Analysis of Documents by Subjects

Mr. Comyns Carr's Analysis of Documents by Subjects

Language English
Collection C.W.J. Phelps Collection
Box Box 1
Folder First Phelps Scrap Book
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Lists documents in groupings according to their relevance to the Prosecution's Phases for the trial. Subjects include: Japanese Constitution, written and customary, and the functions of the various offices held by defendants; Manchurian Military Aggression, 1931-1945; All China Military Aggression, 1937-1945; Economic Aggression in China, 1932-1945; Narcotics in China and Elsewhere, 1932-1945; Preparations for War: (a) Naval (b) Military (c) Fortifications (d) Financial (e) Productive; Preparing Japanese Opinion for War: (a) Education (b) Political Organization (c) Assassinations and threats (d) Police coercion (e) Propaganda & Censorship; Relations with Germany, Italy, France and Thailand (a) Germany (b) Italy (c) France (e) Germany General; Relations with U.S.S.R; Relations with U.S.A. and British Commonwealth: (a) to end 1940 (b) 1941 to October 15 (c) October 16, 1941 and after; Relations with Netherlands and Portugal; Class B Offenses (a) P.O.W.'s general survey (b) P. O. W.'s central organization and relations with Swiss (c) at sea; Class C Offenses 1931-1945; Law relating to Class A; Law relating to Class B and C; Laws of War Violations other than Prisoners of War & Civilian outrages; Preliminary Trial Briefs; Treaties; Occupied areas.