Doc. No. 15-G - Ex. 1191 - Intercepted Diplomatic Messages re Pearl Harbor

Doc. No. 15-G - Ex. 1191 - Intercepted Diplomatic Messages re Pearl Harbor

Date 27 November 1941
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 10
Folder IPS Documents 0-999
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Contains excerpt from "'Pearl Harbor - Intercepted Diplomatic Messages sent by the Japanese Government between July 1 and December 8, 1941' - Printed for the use of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington." Provides a literal translation as well as the decrypted meaning of the voice code employed during a telephone conversation on 27 November 1941 from Washington to Tokyo between KURUSU and YAMAMOTO. Employing a "code" that overtly discusses matrimony and birth, YAMATO and KURUSU discuss the status of negotiations, the imminent crisis and YAMAMOTO's instructions to continue negotiations. This evidence was used to show that the Japanese intended to enter into war and were planning the lead up to the Pearl Harbor Attack. [Note: Date of document reflects the original date of the communication]