Defense Witnesses Concerning Occupation of Hainan Islands and French Indo-China |
Defense Witnesses May 1, 1947 |
Defense Wittnesses |
Directives - Naval General Staff |
Distribution of Defense Documents |
Document Misc. 101 |
DOHIHARA Witnesses |
Dossier Data for Ikezaka, Murata, Okura |
Dossiers and Memoranda to be Forwarded to Mr. Keenan at Washington July 1, 1947 |
Dossiers and Memoranda to be Forwarded to Mr. Keenan at Washington July 2, 1947 |
Dossiers and Memoranda to be Forwarded to Mr. Keenan at Washington July 2, 1947 |
Dossiers and Memoranda to be Forwarded to Mr. Keenan at Washington July 2, 1947 |
Dossiers and memorandums to be forwarded to Mr. Keenan at Washington |
Examination of Documents Not Specifically Linked to any Defendant - Group III |
Examination of Nuremberg Ruilngs Assignment |
Excerpts Offered by the Defense of Pearl Harbor Investigation - Comparison with Original |
Excerpts offered by the Defense of Pearl Harbor Investigation Hearings - Comparison with Copies of Originals |
Exhibit #2214 |
Extent to which Prosecution may rely upon interrogatories of defendants, introduced by the Defense |
GOTO, Fumio, Case File Number 221 |
Goto, Fumio, Case File Number 221 |
ICHIDA, Jiro Def. Doc. No. 284 |
IIMURA, Minoru (Jo) |
IKEZAKA, Chuko, Case File Number 207 |
INADA, Masazumi Def. Doc. No. 1701 |
IPS Doc. No. 3023 |
IPS Document 1767, secret telegrams from Hayashi |
IPS Document No. 674 |
Japan's attempts to bring about peace with China |
KAMIJO and MIYAMOTO correspondence |
KAWABE, Torashiro - Witness for DOHIHARA, Kenji |
Kodama, Yoshio, Case File 194 |
Kodama, Yoshio, Case File 194 |
KODAMA, Yoshio, Showa Trading Co. (Sponsored by the Japanese Army) and Banwa Kikan (Sponsored by the Japanese Navy) |
Kretschmer Statement |
Kretschmer Statement July 15, 1947 |
Kretschmer Statement July 28, 1947 |
Kretschmer Statement July 3, 1947 |
Kretschmer, Translation, Investigation of Secret Funds, Fixel index, Summaries of defense phases |
Kretschmer, Translation, Investigation of Secret Funds, Fixel index, Summaries of defense phases |
Laws of War - Treatment of Bandits, Irregulars, and Guerillas |
Laws of War. The Treatment of bandits, irregulars and Guerillas |
Laws of War. Treatment of Bandits, Irregulars and Guerillas |
Laws of War. Treatment of bandits, irregulars and Guerillas |
Laws or War - Treatment of Bandits, Irregulars, and Guerillas |
Legal Section Files on Possible Class A Defendants Now in Custody |
Legal Section Files on Possible Class A Defendants Now in Custody |
Letters from ARITA, ITAGAKI and SUZUKI to WANG, Chine-wei in April 1939 |
List of American and Japanese counsel |
List of witnesses requested by more than one defendant |
MATSUMOTO, Shunichi, Def. Doc. No. 1547 |
Members of the KOKUSAKU KENKYU KAI (National Policy Research Institute) |
Memorandum OKAWA April 15, 1947 |
Memorandum on Hashimoto - Brocade Banner April 15, 1947 |
Memorandum re 1500-O-5 - 1500-W-5 - 1500-X-5 - 1500-Y-5 |
Minutes of Meeting of Executive Committee with Interrogators |
MITARAI and WAKTSUKI testimony |
MURATA, Yachiho - Def. Doc. No. 2120 and JO, Tomiji - Def. Doc. No. 2209 |
Notes of Rebuttal Meetings |
Notice form Comyns Carr |
OBATA, Minoya, Def. Doc. No. 1361 |