Analysis of Documents

Doc. No. 1444 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Report, "Basic Principle for Rapid Conclusion of War Against America, England, Netherlands, and Chungking Regime" (For Liaison Committee, use, Imperial HQ) Crimes to which document applicable: "Conspiracy for aggressive warfare." Summary of relevant points: "A plan of decision by the Liaison Conference giving details as to how the war could be speedily brought to a successful end. Similar to the report with the same title, dated 12 November 1941, which was translated in full."
1946CE Apr 24th

Doc. No. 991 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Program of Measures to be taken against Britain, United States, Netherlands, CHAING KAISHEK to expedite the termination of war, drafted by the Foreign Office, dated 12 Nov. 1941. Persons implicated: TOJO; Supreme Command, 12 Nov 1941. Crimes to which document applicable: "Aggressive warfare; conspiracy; China Incident."
1946CE Mar 27th

Doc. No. 1196 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Unbound book, Privy Council meeting re agreement between Japan and Portugal on airline between Parao (Palau) and Dilly, and decision to discontinue Jap embassy in Poland. Persons implicated: OTJO, Hideki; HASHIDA, Kunihiko; MURATA, Shozo; INO, Hiroya; KOIZUMI, Chikahiko; IWAMURA, Michiyo. Crimes to which document applicable: "Conspiracy for aggressive warfare -- Timor; Economic monopolies."
1946CE Apr 8th

Doc. No. 1445 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Report, "Fundamental Foreign Tenets Concerning the Execution of the National Policies Decided by the Imperial Conference of November 5." Persons implicated: Japanese Government. Crimes to which document applicable: "Conspiracy for aggressive warfare." Summary of relevant points: "(TN This is a revised plan made by the Foreign Ministry on 12 November 1941 and is identical to the one of the same title which was decided at the Liaison Conference and dated 13 November 1941.)"
1946CE Apr 24th

Doc. No. 1634 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of File: Important Decisions re: International and National Policies. Persons implicated: HIROTA, Koki; UMEZU, Yushijiro; (TERAUCHI); NAGANO, Osami; SHIMADA, Shigetaro; (SUGIYAMA) (KONOE); KAYA, Okinori; KIDO, Koichi. Crimes to which document applicable: "All China Military Aggression, Economic Aggression, Preparations for War, Relations with Germany, USSR."
1946CE May 17th


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