Analysis of Documents

List of Prospective Defendants and Document Numbers Referring to Same

Lists possible defendants and the document numbers that correspond to them. Defendants listed include: ARAKI, Baron Sadao; ARITA, Hashiro; DOIHARA, General Kenje; HASHIMOTO, Kingete; MATA, Shenruku; HIRANUMA, Baron Kiichiro; HIROTA, Koki; HOSHINO, Naski; ITAGAKI, General Seishiro; KIDO, Marquis; KIMURA, Heitaro; KOISO", Keniaki; MASAKi, Jinsaburo; MATSUI, General Iwane; MINAMO, Jiro; MUTO, General Akira; NAGANO, Admiral Osami; NAKAMUNU, General Akihito; OIKAWA, Koshiro; OSHIMA, Hiroshi; OTT; SATO, Kenny; SHIGEMETSU, Mameru; SHIMADA, Shigatori; SHIRATORI, Toshi; STAHMER; SUZUKI, Teiichi; TOGO, Shigaeneri; TOJO, Hideki; TSUKADA, UEMURA; UMEZU, Yoshijiro; OKAWA, Shumei

Document Index - First Six Volumes - Documents 1 to 1575, incl

Lists document numbers 1 to 1575 from the first six volumes by the defendant to which they pertain. Defendants listed include: ARAKI, Sadao (Baron); DOIHARA, Kenjo (General); HASHIMOTO, Kingoro; HATA, Shunroku; HIRANUMA, Kiichiro (Baron); HIROTA, Koki; HOSHINO, Naoki; ITAGAKI, Seishiro (General); KAYA, Okinori; KIDO, Koichi (Marquis); KIMURA, Heitaro; KOISO, Koniaki; MATSUI, Iwane (General); MATSUOKA, Yosuke; MINAMI, Jiro (General); MUTO, Akira (General); NAGANO, Osami (Admiral); OKA, Takasumi; OKAWA, Shumei; OSHIMA, Hiroshi; SATO, Kenryo; SHIGEMITSU, Mamoru; SHIMADA, Shigetaro; SHIRATORI, Toshio; SUZUKI, Teiichi (General); TOGO, Shigenori; TOJO, Hideki; UMEZU, Yoshijiro (General)

Mr. Phelps' Document Index - First Eight Volumes - Documents 1 to 2414, incl

Lists document numbers 1 to 2414 from the first eight volumes by the defendant to which they pertain. Defendants listed include: ARAKI, Sadao (Baron); DOIHARA, Kenjo (General); HASHIMOTO, Kingoro; HATA, Shunroku; HIRANUMA, Kiichiro (Baron); HIROTA, Koki; HOSHINO, Naoki; ITAGAKI, Seishiro (General); KAYA, Okinori; KIDO, Koichi (Marquis); KIMURA, Heitaro; KOISO, Koniaki; MATSUI, Iwane (General); MINAMI, Jiro (General); MUTO, Akira (General); NAGANO, Osami (Admiral); OKA, Takasumi; OKAWA, Shumei; OSHIMA, Hiroshi; SATO, Kenryo; SHIGEMITSU, Mamoru; SHIMADA, Shigetaro; SHIRATORI, Toshio; SUZUKI, Teiichi (General); TOGO, Shigenori; TOJO, Hideki; UMEZU, Yoshijiro (General)

Mr. Phelps' Analysis of Documents by Sujbects (Documents Nos. 1 - 2414, incl.)

Lists document numbers (1 - 2414) by subject including: Preparations for War: (a) Naval (b) Military (c) Fortifications (d) Financial (e) Productive; Relations with Germany, Italy , France and Thailand; Relations with U.S.S.R.; Relations with U.S.A. and British Commonwealth (a) To end 1940 (b) 1941 to October 16 (c) October 16, 1941 and after; Relations with Netherlands and Portugal; Class B Offences (a) P.O.W.'s general survey (b) P.O.W.'s central organization and relations with Swiss (c) at sea; Class C Offences 1931-45 (cf. Item 10); Law Relating to Class A; Law Relating to Class B and C; Laws of War Violations other than Prisoners of War and Civilian outrages; Preliminary Trial Briefs; Treaties; Occupied Areas

Mr. Comyns Carr's Analysis of Documents by Subjects

Comyns Carr categorizes the document numbers by the subjects to which they relate. The subjects include: "Japanese Constitution, written and customary, and the functions of the various offices held by the defendants"; "Manchurian Military Aggression, 1931-1945"; "All China Military Aggression, 1937-1945"; "Economic Aggression in China, 1932-1945"; "Narcotics in China and elsewhere 1932-1945"; "Preparations for War: (a) Naval (b) Military (c) Fortifications (d) Financial (e) Productive"; "Preparing Japanese Opinion for War: (a) Education (b) Political Organization (c) Assassinations and threats (d) Police coercion (e) Propaganda & Censorship"; "Relations with Germany, Italy, France and Thailand. (a) Germany (b) Italy (c) France (e) Germany General"; "Relations with U.S.S.R."; "Relations with U.S.A. and British Commonwealth: (a) to end 1940 (b) 1941 to October 16 (c) October 16, 1941 and after"; "Relations with Netherlands and Portugal"; "Class B Offences (a) P.O.W.'s general survey (b) P.O.W.'s central ogranization and relations with Swiss (c) at sea"; "Class C Offences 1931-1945"; "Law relating to Class A"; Law relating to Class B and C"; "Laws of War Violations other than Prisoners of War & Civilian outrages"; "Preliminary Trial Briefs"; "Treaties"; "Occupied areas"

Summaries of Portions Omitted for Defense Excerpts from the Pearl Harbor Hearings

Gives summaries of "complete exhibits and the record" including "portions omitted in defense documents in the 1500 series." Also extends to "other documents where excerpts were interrupted by omissions." Topics include Vichy Government, Japan-German collaboration, British responses.
1947CE Aug 12th

Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 11, 1947

Analyzes documents of the 1500 series including J-2, X-1, Y-1, M-4, P-4, Q-4, N-5, T-4, W-4, and R-4 that "are mostly communications between the War and Navy Departments, between Richardson and Stark, also testimony of Staff Admirals at the Pearl Harbor Hearings." End comment states: "These communications are irrelevant and of no probative value. They are merely privileged showing the measures taken by the U.S. and certain Allies to meet the critical situation rapidly becoming acute."
1947CE Aug 11th


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