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Parent | Examination of Documents Results November 3, 1947 |
Date | 28 November 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 6 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from November 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
3 November 1947
MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Frank S. Tavenner
FROM: Lt. K. Steiner
I have checked the documents enumerated below with the following results:
1. Document 1230. Of this document containing translations of a number of German telegrams, only one telegram dated 15 May 1942 was introduced in evidence as Exhibit 807 (p. 7984).
The telegram from Ribbentrop to Ott dated 26 March 1942 is not in evidence. It shows that Ribbentrop suggested military cooperation between Germany and Japan in two directions; (a) "to shake hands" in the near east and to launch a common naval attack in the direction of the Indian Ocean, and (b) to eliminate Russia by participation of Japan through advance against Vladivostok and the Baikal Sea area. OSHIMA agreed to this suggestion and is "of the opinion that a more opportune time will never arrive again".
In discussing an economic treaty between the two powers, the New World Order is characterized economically as one giving economic preferences to the partners and excluding America as much as possible.
2. Document 4001. This is identical with IPS Doc. 2312, excerpts from which document were introduced in evidence as Exhibit 812-A (p.8014).
The part which was not introduced shows that OSHIMA requested two German submarines in connection with Japanese plans for intensifica¬tion of submarine warfare, and that on the same day Ribbentrop granted this request "on the assumption that the Japanese Navy would start as fast as possible the U-boat building program on a large scale and in mass production. The Ambassador stated that the Japanese Government is pre¬pared to do this."
Translation of the entire document is attached to IPS Doc. 4001 (see also my memorandum regarding NOMURA's affidavit, dated 13 June 1947, item l).
3. Document 1373. This document was not introduced in evidence. The conference between Ribbentrop and OSHIMA on 9 May 1942 is apparently a continuation of the one on 26 March 1942 dealing mainly with a blueprint for a new economic world order to be established now for the post-war