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INTERNATIONAL PROSECUTION SECTION DOCUMENT DIVISION 16 March 48 LIST OF INDICES AND WORKING TOOLS IN THE CUSTODY OF THE INTERNAT10NAL PROSECUTION SECTION 1. The following list of indices and tools available in the International Prosecution Section has been compiled primarily for future IPS historians or others who may have occasion to use IPS documents or files. 2. It will be noticed that the items are grouped under three major headings: Indices to the Record, Indices to IPS Documents, and Indices to Case Files and Miscellaneous 3. The basic account of the trial itself comprising some 40,C00 typed pages is contained in the "Transcript of Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East". The first group of items relate to this basic account of the courtroom proceedings. 4. Prior to end during the course of the trial the International Prosecution Section accumulated some four thousand Japanese and other documents, all of which had to be catalogued, analyzed, and later evaluated for court use. Indices in the second group were compiled during this process The basic reference here is the set of "Analyses of Documentary Evidence" which describes and refers by number to these IPS original documents. 5. It will be noticed that the important card index to the Case Files appears in the third group, in addition to various other lists which do rot fit into the other two categories. 6. The present list is believed to contain all indices and aids of any permanent interest or value. A few others of little apparent importance were included because of the possibility of some future usefulness. An attempt has been made throughout to list the more important items first. Yale Maxon