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Parent | Minutes of Ninth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee June 7, 1946 |
Date | 7 June 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
MINUTES of Ninth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee
9.30 a.m., Friday, 7th June, 1946
Present: Mr. Horwitz (Acting Chairman)
Miss Brunner (representing Capt. Williamson)
Mr. Barry
Mr. Humphreys
Mr. Morgan
Brig. Quilliam
Judge Williams
Mr. Eugene Williams
1.Miss Brunner asked that on the Request Forms addressed to Judge Williams, Attorneys be asked to make their description as brief and concise as possible and confine it to the space allotted, adding any necessary explanations in the space below. AGREED to issue a directive to this effect.
2.Judge Williams mentioned various Japanese Government documents which had been asked for and were of great length. It was decided that he and Mr. Eugene Williams should discuss together the question of whether it was necessary to have these translated in entirety.
3.Mr. Morgan said that he had read the report of the interrogation of Ba Maw, and considered that he would make a very useful witness. A discussion ensued as to his reliability, and it was decided that as Fu Yi and other puppet leaders were being interrogated, their statements could be compared with those of Ba Maw. In the meantime, Mr. Eugene Williams and Mr. Morgan would discuss the case of Ba Maw with Mr. U. E. Maung.
4.Mr. Horwitz reported that he had arranged with the Clerk of the Court for two special stamps to be made for use on Documents. He had also arranged that Basic Documents were to be assigned numbers from No. 12 onwards.