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Parent Minutes of Meeting of Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee June 5, 1946
Date 5 June 1946
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 3
Folder General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
MINUTES of Meeting of Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee 9.30 a.m., Wednesday, 5th June, 1946 -------- Present: Mr. Justice Mansfield (Chairman) Mr. Horwitz Mr. Phelps Judge Williams Mr. Eugene Williams 1.Judge Williams reported that he was receiving applications from Attorneys for whole books or other lengthy publications. HE suggested that they should be instructed to attach a translation of the particular part they require. After discussion, it was AGREED that in the case of books or large publications where extracts only are required, scanners should give a translation of the extracts required and this should be attached to the application. 2.Mr. Phelps reported that there were numbers of documents still out which had been kept out for periods of up to two months. It was AGREED that a directive should be prepared for Mr. Keenan’s signature, asking for the immediate return of all such documents, and that the rule that all documents must be returned to the Documents Section by 4.30 p.m. daily should be re-affirmed. 3.Mr. Phelps asked that Attorneys should be requested to submit two copies of their Opening Statements, so that one could be used for reproduction while the other was in the hands of the Translation Department. This was AGREED. Mr. Horwitz suggested that reproduction of the Statements should be done in double spacing. This was AGREED.