Page 108

Parent Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III
Date 23 February 1940
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 15
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
And on page 49s "Q. If I understood you correctly, General, the reply that you received from Tokyo came to you from the Chief of Staff? "A* It always comes from the Chief of Staff. tfQ. You may continue. "A. While there were other telegrams and communications in general, what they said was that they would be willing to conclude a pact in which mutual aid was promised in case one of the signatories was a victim of unprovoked aggression. However, Japan wished to have the pact aimed at Russia primarily, and all other countries would be secondary to this. * * * And on pages 50, 51, 52, and 53* ,fA. I began my official duties as Ambassador about the end of October 1938. Following discussions with RIBBENTROP and GATJS, the head of the Legal Depart¬ment of the German Foreign Office, and having decided upon the general outline of the treaty I sent an official communication to the Japanese Foreign Office giving in it the aforementioned outline. »Q. General, according to my information you were named Ambassador on 8 October 1938» MA. Yes. ttQ. And you assumed your duties immediately?