Page 109
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III |
Date | 23 February 1940 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
"A. I stated I began my official duties towards the end of October because it is Japan's protocol not to take up the official duties until the former Ambassador leaves for his next post.
nQ. General, I suppose at the time you were named Ambassador the negotiations then with respect to this proposed treaty that had theretofore been carried on through you as Military Attache had now reached the stage where the Foreign Office in Tokyo was carrying on the negotiations through and with you in your capacity as Ambassador?
"A. Yes, as soon as I became Ambassador.
"Q. You may continue.
lfA. The first answer from the Foreign Office stated that the Foreign Office and the Government were in agreement regarding a treaty of this sort which would help to conclude the China incident and (1) to clarify the Russian situation so that troops could be deployed elsewhere, (2) to strengthen Japan1 s international position, and (3) to receive technological and economic aid from Germany. However, regarding the actual wording of the treaty they stated that they were in process of studying it. That was the first answer.
WQ. What did the deployment of troops elsewhere have to do with the concluding of the China incident?
"A. If the problems along the Siberian border were settled, then those troops, if necessary, could