Page 128

Parent Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III
Date 23 February 1940
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 15
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
pact with Russia at HITLER1s birthday party, you stated that you had also received information regarding that matter from your intelligence sources. Now tell us, if when you received this information from your intelligence sources, which I assume was before RIBBENTROP told you about it, you communicated the information to your Foreign Office in Tokyo? "A. the information that I said I received from in¬telligence sources was not concrete at all and was simply rumors which abounded around Berlin at the time that Germany and the U.S.S.R. were entering into negotiations regarding an economic pact (trade pact). These rumors I did not pass on to my Government in Tokyo. Further, I wish to make it clear that when RIBBENTROP spoke to me at the time of a party in celebration of HITLER1 s birthday, which was held at the Hotel Adlon in Berlin, RIBBENTROP did not state that he was entering into negotiations with Russia. When be spoke to SHIRATORI and me around one or two A.M. in the morning following the party, he said that if the matter of a pact between Germany and Japan continued in the stage of talks for too long a period it might become necessary for Germany to clasp hands with Russia in one way or another. That was all.