Page 160
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III |
Date | 23 February 1940 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
line which accords with the real interest of all parties concerned. It is then to he considered that the present attitude of Italy has been stipulated in all details and in complete agreement by the Fuehrer and Duce.
"It was my intention to first work with emphasis and every possible haste above all else for the realization of an understanding between Japan and Russia and I hoped that now the same political conception would also /prevail/ in Japan. Of course it was important that this should happen quickly so that the mentioned power constellation might yet be realized during our present conflict with England which is decisive for the whole world politics of the future.
"OSHIMA. agreed to all points of my statement. He said that the Japanese Army doubtless appreciates the idea of an understanding with Russia and that therefore there is certainly a prospect of these ideas soon finding acceptance in the Japanese foreign policy. SHIRATORI, who will soon return to Tokyo from his post of Am¬bassador in Rome, will also work in this idea.
"I ask you, on your part, to represent by suitable means the foregoing lines of thought in the discussions there and upon my request to talk quite openly about it with Prince KANIN.
"I ask you, furthermore, to express by suitable means /the fact/ that I deem it to be of great importance for the policy I have in mind that OSHIMA remain Ambassador