-2- The Documents Officer asked what authority could decide whether any document or Witness asked for by an Attorney was unnecessary and could be refused. Agreed That such cases be referred to the Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee for their decision. 5. Witnesses The Witness Officer drew attention to the fact that no mechanics had been set up for obtaining Witnesses required, and that arrangements for the accommodation of Witnesses consisted at present of a house at Ito which would house 25 only, and a wing in Sugamo Prison which was not very suitable. He further suggested that a Form be drawn up by the Committee, for use when a certain Witness was required, and that the Committee should formulate a general policy for the handling of Witnesses. Mr. Humphreys here raised the question of to what extent Documents were required, and to what extent Witnesses, and whether Witnesses could be discarded where there was sufficient documentary evidence. Agreed That the policy of this Committee is that Documentary Evidence, including Affidavit Evidence, shall be used in preference to Oral Evidence, and that Witnesses be reduced to an absolute minimum. 6. Maps Mr. Horwitz reported that he had a series of maps prepared by the Japanese Strategic Office showing the gradual spread of Japan from 1931 to 1945 into the Asiatic Continent and down through the Southern regions. These maps were needed for the Trial, and could be reproduced either on silk, suggested size 10’ x 10’, to be hung in the Court Room, or on a film strip which could be shown in Court when required. After discussion, it was Agreed That the maps be duplicated and copies circulated to all concerned, and also that they be reproduced in both film and chart form for exhibition in Court. 7. Appendix E of the Indictment Mr. Humphreys said that Appendix E of the Indictment, being the biographies of the Defendants, had had to be prepared from unreliable material. He suggested that the Appendix be handed to the Japanese authorities to be checked. Agreed That this be done through Mr. Morgan. 8. Notes on the Preparation of Briefs. A draft Form had been circulated for use by Attorneys. Agreed. That 50 copies be made of the Notes, 200 copies of the Form and 500 copies of the Follow-on Sheet. 9. Meetings of Committee Agreed That the Evidence and Defendants Committee should meet at 9:30 a.m. every Friday, and the Documents and Witness Sub-Committee at 9:30 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday, commencing Monday next, 29 April.