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-2- Of Japan against Halha-Mongolia (Outer Mongolia) began I n1919 when in the city of Chita was formed, supported and directed by the Japanese government, the so-called government of “Greater Mongolia” headed by the Mongolian prince Neise Gegen who sold himself to Japanese imperialism. The Japanese Government liberally subsidized the Government of “Greater Mongolia” through ataman Semenov who had an immediate task of uniting all Mongolian tribes into a single state sponsored by Japan. Major Sutsuki, representative of the Japanese military command and captain Kuroki, representative of the Japanese General Staff attached to ataman Semenov unofficially directed the formation of the Government of “Greater Mongolia”. There were no limits to the atrocities perpetrated over the Mongolian people by the bands of ataman Semenov, who later on escaped to Manchuria and was protected by the Japanese, by the bands of baron Ungeru and others. The adventures of ataman Semenov, baron Ungeru and the government of “Greater Mongolia” created by them were subsidized by the Japanese Government for the purpose of seizing Mongolia and Manchuria. This can also be proved by the declaration of General O-oi, commander of the Japanese expeditionary army, who put forward as an indispensable condition of