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Parent Status of Court Reporters in Trial
Date 23 December 1946
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 3
Folder General Reports and Memoranda from December 1946
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
-2- The basic salary they have fixed for us is accurate, in truth, as the basic salary for Federal court reporters, but court reporters in any court make approximately an equal amount of money in transcription fees and at least two to three times that amount in a daily copy case, such as we have in this trial. To expect that we will submit to this reduction in the light of these facts is to us ridiculous and a condemnation of our work. We feel that they utterly fail to comprehend or appreciate the volume of work entailed in this trial and the many ramifications and complications which distinguish this case from others. The job analyst has also made the statement that she doubts that we will leave as we say we will; that on a “show-down,” confronted with the necessity to make a decision, we will waiver. If the Civilian Personnel Section intends to play a game with us, I say it is a very risky game at the expense of the Tribunal and in the delay and confusion that will accrue as a result. This is supposed to be an economy measure but a very unwise one when viewed in the light of how expensive each day’s delay in the trial will prove to be. An entirely new court reporting section will have to be recruited from the States, if possible, and they will meet all the difficulties and obstacles all over again which we have so arduously overcome; and, meanwhile, the hundreds of people working in connection with this trial will be paid in idleness. The trial will be extended. With great regard for the purpose of this trial I also wish to advise you that certain parties would seize on this opportunity as a perfect means and excuse for delaying or disrupting the proceedings. I say this in all sincerity because of intimations to that effect which I have heard with deep concern. With pride and appreciation for the attitude of the court reporters in this regard I wish to report that they are unanimous in their condemnation fo this and desirous that this will not come about. I bring this to your attention only so that you will be aware of whatever additional problems may arise. I know that I need not remind you of the quality of the record which we have produced because you, the other Members of the Tribunal, and all the attorneys in this trial have been most complimentary and appreciative