Page 29

Parent Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 14
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
secret telegram of 11 May 1938 from NAKA'MURA, Chief of the Mili¬tary Affairs Bureau of the Foreign Ministry, it was shown that the South Manchurian Railway Company, under the guidance of the Kwantung Army, was cooperating in the enforcement of the national policies of Manchukuo and in operational preparations against the Soviet Union,^ Japanese armed detachments began in January 1939 systematically to violate the Mongolian frontier, and Soviet- Manchukuoan border incidents of a major character occurred repeatedly in May, July and August 1939. 76 During this period close collaboration was maintained between the Japanese and the Germans under the provisions of the protocol of the Anti-Comintern Pact which took the form of espionage and subversive activities against the Soviet Union. It was shown in a report of Reichsfuehrer H. Himmler on 31 January 1939 that the accused OSHIMA had succeeded in sending ten Russians with bombs across the Caucasian frontier in an unsuccessful attempt to kill Generalissimo Stalin, and that OSHIMA had pur¬chased a tract of real estate in Falkensee in the name of a middle man, whore Russians were employed in writing propoganda pamphlets which were conveyed from Poland into Russia by means of small balloons. 77 75ExhibitTP 7*56?. 76Exhibit 766, TP 7,845. 77Exhibit 489, TP 6,026.