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Parent | Examination of Documents Results November 3, 1947 |
Date | 28 November 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 6 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from November 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Memo For: Mr. F.S. Tavenner From : Lt. K. Steiner
above all in Japanese military circles there was no fear of a military conflict with the U.S." He states that he together with Ribbentrop who then held the rank of Ambassador had laid the keystone for the German- Japanese cooperation and reminisces about his successful intervention with Hitler regarding stoppage of all supply of arms to China.
10. Document 4033:
a. Item 1 was not introduced in evidence. It is a telegram from ioermann to Ott, informing him of a conference between Weizsacker and OSHIMA on 22 August 1939 on the just concluded Russo-German non-aggression pact in which they together "determined the arguments by which he (OSHIMA) might convince his Government of the necessity and indeed the advantages of the present step". After stating his objections OSHIMA added that "he foresaw the violent effects in Japan and might be able to mitigate them by his telegraphic report this very night." Ribbentrop in his argument, paid tribute to OSHIMA and others who had fought and would fight for Germany's friendly relations with Japan, and gives OSHIMA credit for having urged haste on his Government in responding to German pro¬posals to deepen German-Japanese relations. OSHIMA assured him "of his unchanged intention to continue working for German-Japanese friendship (a typed translation is attached to this item).
b.Item 2 which is not in evidence is a telegram from Ott dated 24 October 1939. It contains no reference to OSHIMA but is a report about Ott' s first conversation with SHIRATORI after the latter's return to Japan in which he (SHIRATORI) offered his close cooperation towards a Japanese-Russian non-aggression pact with a further aim to active cooperation be¬tween Germany, Japan, Russia and Italy. SHIRATORI counts on an early failure of the ABE Cabinet and is working on leading officials and political groups parallel to the German efforts in that direction. In order to dis¬pel distrust of Russia, SHIRATORI asks for a declaration from Ribbentrop to him that Germany will exert her influence on Russia to disassociate Russia from Chiang Kai-shek. "He expected from this a strong counter in-fluence against court circles and on the Emperor to whom he has to report on <insert>6 October</insert> Ott seconds this request (a complete translation is attached to this item and marked 4033-F. I have forwarded a copy of this transla¬tion to Mr. Sandusky.)
c.Item 7 was introduced in evidence as Exhibit 587 and read in full (p. 6562). It is a telegram from Ribbentrop to Ott dated 28 June 1941 about an agreement with OSHIMA that he would influence his Government in the direction of a speedy military action against Russia.
d.Item 13 is not in evidence. It is a telegram from Ribbentrop to Ott dated 18 March 1942 about a conference with OSHIMA dealing mainly with the proposal of the Japanese Navy of a Japanese mediation between Russia and Germany. Ribbentrop is opposed to such mediation. The following points may be of interest: