Page 4

Parent Pearl Harbor Attack
Date 9 September 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 5
Folder General Memoranda and Reports from September 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
How this surprise attack was fearful, was explained by the fact that the citizens were running to and fro in the streets in dismay until noon. And by this fact it was imagined how the enemy was inattentive and in negligence at that time. So far cheating enemy as well as our own nation is compared with the retired living of OSHI at Yamashina. In this attack the damages to the U.S.A. were as follows: Killed and injured men 5,500 Battleships 9 Other ships of war 20 Airplanes 464 Warehouses, etc. 18 While our damages were (Airplanes which do not return yet 29 (Special attack submarine corps not (yet returned 5 Now, U.S.A. can not fight against Japan on the Pacific unless she brings her 9 main battleships from the Atlantic. And now as our allies Germany and Italy began hostilities against U.S.A., it is impossible for her to bring all Atlantic fleet to the Pacific. Although it could be done, yet it might be ridiculous to make expedition to Japan proper. As U.S.A. now is deprived of half of her strength of Navy, it may take 4 or 5 years to restore the old strength. President Roosevelt issued a message and make public the big paper plan, but it need not be dreaded, because although big ships speedily could be built, there would be no navy men disciplined to handle the ships and fight with them against Japan. This great fruit of war is nothing the realization and merits of the sacrifice and discipline of day and night without holidays for more than 20 years for the purpose of reparation for the inferior rate of 5.5.3 of navy powers which was enforced on Japan in the Washington Conference. U.S.A. spent $1,000,000,000 in fortification in the naval port o Pearl Harbour for many years and she was proud of it as one of the 3 big worldly naval ports, i.e. Gibraltar and Singapore. The triangle with the lines between Hawaii, Dutch Harbour and Panama was the life line of the United States which U.S.A. did not permit other countries to invade into. But no the top of this life line was destroyed by us at the beginning of the war. As Hawaii is 3,1000 miles from Japan and 2,000 miles from the western coast of U.S.A., famous navy criticism Mr. Bywater said (with a few ships of Japanese Navy, Japanese can not attack it ---); therefore it was the bases for the U.S.A.?ÇÖs navy to proceed to Japan, but no expert could imagine Japanese Navy might attack it positively. -3-