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INTERNATIONAL PROSECUTION SECTION FRENCH DIVISION TOKYO, 30 September 1947 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. P. LOPEZ, Associate Prosecutor for the Philippines FROM: R. ONETO, Associate Prosecutor for France Re: Defendant ITAGAKI, Defense Document 2471, Sworn Deposition of YAMAWAKI, Masataka, No. 5, Page 3 & 4. In this sworn deposition, the witness says that: 1)War Minster ITAGAKI was for strengthening the Japan-Germany-Italy Anti-Komintern agreement; 2)Actually (July and August 1938), Soviet was primarily the object, but Britain and France might also become the object, should the situation change. Japan could not afford to participate against England and France and proposed to include secret clauses in the agreement. Germany refused. 3)“The Army wished a speedy conclusion of the Pact” and “some men in the Army even maintained that outwardly it may be unavoidable to conclude the agreement unconditionally and without reservation.” 4)The 8th of August 1938, War Minister ITAGAKI stated before the Five Minister’s Conference, speaking “as representative of the Army”, he will endeavour to conclude