Page 48

Parent Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 14
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
in which it declared "that the status &uo of the Netherlands East Indies should not be changed.” 123 On the sane day the United States Department of State issued a press release in which It supported the status quo of the Netherlands East Indies and expressed the view that intervention in the integ¬rity of the Netherlands East Indies would endanger the security and peace of the entire Pacific. 124 Although Japan, the United States, Great Britian and France pledged unoquivocably to respect the status guo in the Netherlands East Indies, persistent rumors and press releases emanated from Tokyo to the effect that a commitment to respect and preserve the status quo had not been made. On 16 Hay 1940 the Japanese Ambassador to the United States assured the Secretary of State that the Japanese Government was entirely satisfied with the situation following the reiteration of the principle of sta.tus quo in respect to the Netherlands East Indies and "it had no purpose to raise any further controversy in that connection unless perchance the British or French should land troops there to protect them" 125 While these assurances were being made in Washington, Ambassador OSHILIA was seeking a German declaration on the subject. On 22 Hay 1940, Germany advised Japan that she was "disinterested" in the Netherlands East Indies. By this declaration Germany was considered to have 123.Exhibit 1285, TP 11,675. 124.Exhibit 1287, TP 11,679. 125.Exhibit 1288, TP 11,681-11,683.