Page 504
Parent | Collaboration between Japan, Germany and Italy Vol. VI |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 6 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
of delivery or receipt. As evidence of this I presented the ambassador the note enclosed in copy, in which five cases of complaint are presented and made supplementary oral explanations based on a detailed memorandum regarding the situation of German economic interests in North China, especially regarding the complete exclusion of Germany which has set in since the Japanese occupation in two fields in which we have had a leading position for many years, namely, in the delivery of railroads and the hydro- electric field. It followed from all of this that it was not a question of an especially favorable treatment, not to speak of a preferential treatment of Germany in North China.
"I added, that Ambassador OTT would be commissioned to present these complaints in Tokyo and to ask the Japanese government for information regarding its intended future economic policy in North China. Ambassador OTT, during his presence here, had also been informed of the course of the discussions here regarding economic co¬operation in North China and informed of the differences of opinion which still exist regarding the wording of the Pro Memoria and would, when the opportunity presented itself, on his part inform the Japanese government in Tokyo of the concept of the Reichs Minister.
"Especially the latter statement was obviously extremely disagreeable to Mr. TOGO and upon my report on the commission¬-ing of Ambassador OTT, which were at first more indicatory, he posed several counter questions, until I made this commissioning more precise in the manner shown above.