Page 505

Parent Collaboration between Japan, Germany and Italy Vol. VI
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 15
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 6
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
“Impartially (speaking), Mr. TOGO objected that he had always done his best to do something about such German complaints re: North China, and in two instances he had even succeeded in that (later findgins showed that he had actually gone to some trouble regarding Point 2 of the Appendix, that, however, the Japanese assent which had been given to it was not sufficient). He would now report to Tokyo the complaints enumerated in the appendix and in my oral statements. If up to now no especially favorable treatment of Germany in North China has taken place, then this was related to the fact that an agreement could just not be reached on the Pro Memoria in which this especially favorable treatment was to be agreed upon. “I expressed my astonishment at this remark, pointing out that from general circumstances alone, such an especially favorable treatment even without agreement was understood to be a matter of course. After a few excuses the Ambassador admitted this, maintained, however, that the stopping of war material delivery to China and especially the recall of the military advisors had only come about such a short time ago that the effect of this gesture of friendship could not yet have carried through to (change) the attitude of the Japanese authorities everywhere in North China. He, too, presumed that on account of this gesture of friendship much would now improve of its own accord along the lines of our wishes.