Page 53
Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
a propitious time for the execution of their plans against the enemy in the north.
Following the meeting between the Japanese Ambassador
and Ribbentrop on 16 June 1940, a conference was held on 8 July
1940 between Ambassador SATO, Ambassador KURUSU, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and Consul General Stahmer, in the course of which matters of great significance were discussed. Ambassador SATO suggested close cooperation between Germany and- Japan and drew a parallel between the "New Order" coming into existence in Europe through Germany and the efforts that Japan had made over the past three years to construct a "New Order in the Far East and the South Seas," He pointed out that Japan from the beginning of the war in China had facilitated Germany's task of creating a."New Order" in Europe by drawing the attention of English, French and American Governments to herself and by tying up the American fleet in the Pacific Ocean. In regard to China, Ambassador SATO added, Japan was at that time putting forth strong endeavors to finish the Chinese war "in order to have free hands," and in this connection he pointed out public opinion in Japan had become extraordinarily nervous in respect to Indo-China and the Dutch East Indies. As additional proof of the existence of a continu¬ous conspiracy, he said, "Since the outbreak of the Manchurian conflict Japan had been trying to orient her policy in a set direction, but had time and again subsequently been forced to moderate this new orientation somewhat." This policy was des¬cribed as the establishment of a new China, which with Japan would guarantee peace in the Far East, and in order to achieve this aim Japan had been "fighting obstinately against the