Page 70
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy - Volume II |
Date | 25 November 1941 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 2 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
"It cannot be the purpose of this report to deal definitively with the difficult and complicated questions, which the concept 'economic opening-up of North China' contains. But I have thought it my^duty to point out, that in the caleidoscopic happenings of the Japanese- Chinese conflict a decision has now been reached which confrontsGerman policy with the necessity of taking a number of different measures in this connection in order to keep up with this development.
"The offices in Hankow and Hsinking have received a copy of this report by a safe way.
Von Dirksen"
(b)Document 223P, (Exhibit No. ), “Events Leading up to World War II,” p. 145:
“February 20 /1938/. Chancellor Hitler recognized Manchukuo and expressed preference for a Japanese victory. (‘ . . . even the greatest victory gained by Japan would be infinitely less dangerous for civilization and world-peace than any success achieved by Bolshevism . . .’)”