Page 8
Parent | Teletype Conference June 5, 1946 |
Date | 5 June 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Telecon – 5 June – Page 8
Reuritem 31, Captain Sandusky to be employed by IPS upon separation from service. Grade not yet determined. Will advise next Telecon.
WD 1
Witnesses & Evidence
Recuritem 4, Telecon 23 May and SCAP cable no. ZX 39961 dated 31 May 1946, regarding General John Weckerling as a witness before IMTFE. On checking with G-2, we are informed that General Weckerling is not the proper witness for this matter and is unable to give the evidence you desire. Brig. General E. Warner McCabe, Director, School of Military Government, Charlottesville, Virginia, was G-2 during 1938-June 1940 when he was succeeded by Maj. General Sherman Miles who was G-2 until . . . Colonel R. S. Bratton, now Executive Officer, G-2 AFPAC, was Chief, Far Eastern Branch G-2 and in charge of Jap intelligence from 1936 to 1940. War Department G-2 suggests these three officers for your witnesses in this matter. Maj. General Miles is retired and is now living in Boston, Mass., Brig. General McCabe is presently in Vienna, Austria but is on terminal leave and will return on June 30, and Col. Bratton is now on duty in Tokyo. Please advise if you desire Maj. General Miles and Brig. General McCabe as witnesses regarding the matter set forth in reference cable. Since General Weckerling is not considered to be a proper witness in this matter, it is requested that no request be made for his presence at this trial. Please advise if you desire Maj. Miles and Maj. Gen. McCabe as witnesses.
Reuritem 1, we desire General McCabe and General Miles as witnesses. Will request their presence.
WD 4
Recuritem 33 and uritem 9, Telecon 33 May, reuritems 10 and 36, 26 May, James R. Young has much evidentiary material on Japanese-Chinese relations but not on opium question. Ouritem 33, May 23, recommends his employment as Special Assistant. Are you interested in him this capacity or just as witness? He departs 7 June to Bikini Island with Task Force One, desires immediate advice on employment so can arrange packing and shipping of materials for his departure. Must have reply tonight.
WD 5
Reuritem 9, Telecon 23 May and uritem 10, last Telecon, Martin G. Scott, Agent, Bureau of Customs, now on duty Seattle, furnished following info on lead of James R. Young: “Have general knowledge of and can testify on pre-war narcotics situation in Japan, particularly on cases arising there showing no cooperation and obstructionist policy of Japanese Government and protection of narcotics industry. However, cannot furnish first hand testimony on Greater East Asia Development Board (Ko-A-IN), its organization, policy or control. In 1933, at the request of State Department, our office in Japan