Page 8

Parent Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 14
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
hand of Japan in China,1? and to afford an excuse for continued military aggression.1^ Those of the accused who actively participated in the di scussions regarding Japanese intentions toward Russia during and prior to the conclusion of the Anti-Comintern Pact were HIROTA,^? ARAKI,1^ ITAGAKI,19 SKIRATORI,20 and OSHIMA.21 5Exhibit 484, TP 5,963° In the "Report of the Investi¬gation Concerning the Conclusion of the Japanese-German Pact," dated 20 November 1936, it was stateds "It is a matter of deep concern as to what influence the conclusion of this Pact will have on the present Sino-Japanese negotiations. The fact that the con¬clusion of the Pact will further strengthen Japan's position ought to prove quite effective in making China decide her attitude. We are not without expec¬tations, therefore, of being able to use this situa¬tion for promoting developments in the Sino-Japanese negotiations favorable to ourselves. The Government is resolved to leave nothing undone in its measures for coping with the situation." 6Exhibit 486-A, TP 5,975-5,976. In a telegram from Weizsacker to the German Embassy in Tokyo, under the date of 28 July 1937, it was stateds "Japanese attempts to base measures in China as fight against Communism on the Anti-Comintern Agreement are devious. As already stated in telegram 140, the agreement has not the objective of fighting Bolshevism in the territory of third states." 7Exhibit 216, TF 2,727. As Prime Minister HIROTA was responsible for and made the decision on "Basic Principle of National Policy," 7 August 1936, which included security of the Japanese Empire by diplomatic and military preparations5 eradication of the alleged Soviet menace and preparations against Britain and the United States. 8(a) See notes 1, 2 and 5(a). (b) Exhibit 671-A, TP 7,336. The Japanese Advertiser issue of 11 July 1938, reports a speech by ARAKI, then Minister of Education, at a conference of the Folitical and Economic Research Society in Osaka, in which he said% "Japan's determination to fight to a finish with China and the Soviet Union is sufficient to carry it on for more than a decade." 9See Note 5(b).