Tokyo News No. 4,615-A

Tokyo News No. 4,615-A

Date 12 November 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 17
Folder Tokyo News/Economic November 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: Leaders of 3 Parties Agree on Coal Mines State Control Bill; Opposition to Nomination of Nomizo as Agriculture Minister by People's Cooperatives; Yoshida Supports Movement to Form New Conservative Party; State Minister Hayashi Faints En Route to Office; Mass Welcome Meeting for Ikuo Oyama on November 15; Meeting in Honor of Late Ambassador Atcheson Jr.; Consultation on Legal Matters; 'I'm Not a Leftist,' Declares Nomizo, Agriculture Minister Designate; 800 Former Japanese Officers Repatriated from Siberia, Fresh Light Shed on Japanese Labor Corps in Siberia; Summary of News in Japanese Press (items not given in translations)