Economic News No. 11

Economic News No. 11

Date 10 November 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 17
Folder Tokyo News/Economic November 1947 cont...
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: To Register All Fishing Vessels Including Those Rune By One Man; 140,000 Koku of Lumber Idle in Akita Because Lumber Trains Not Running Until December; 'Candle-Light' Electricity Supplied to Consumers in Kyushu on Trial; Spinning Mills Adopting Technical Improvement, Democratic Management, and Modernization of Labor; Manufacturers Effecting Improvements to Vindicate Poor Reputation of Rayon; Yokohama City to Promote Trade, Work Out Plans; Labor Disputes for October Total 84, 61,358 Workers Involved; To Spend ¥9.7 Billion for Miners' Housing Next Year, Gov't Tells Diet Mining Committee; Dyeing & Weaving Still Thriving as Household Industry; Bicycle Tires, Tubes for Export Below Million Mark, Only 413,000; Demand and Supply of Cement; Introducing Economic Journals of Japan