Doc. No. 1077 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Doc. No. 1077 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Date 30 March 1946
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 24
Folder Selected Analysis Document Evidence - No Order
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Analysis of Proceedings, Privy Council, 1) "Recognition of Protocol on Constitution and Functions of Borderline Demarcation Commission (THAILAND) and Regulations on De-Militarized Zone", 2) "Protocol between Japan and France on Guarantee and Political Understanding and same between Japan and Thailand." Persons implicated: MATSUOKA; TOJO; OIKAWA; MINAMI; HIRANUMA, Kiichiro; SUZUKI, Kantaro. Crimes to which document applicable: Violation Nine Power Treaty; Aggression Thailand, French Indo-China.