Summary of Errors and Misstatements Made by Defense in Section 'J'
Summary of Errors and Misstatements Made by Defense in Section 'J'
Date | 31 December 1969 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 6 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from March 1948 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
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Thirteen page document that gives the page and line number along with an analysis comment regarding the errors and misstatements made by defense in section "J" -- "Japan Was Provoked Into a War of Self Defense." Mostly focuses on which claims cannot be verified or are erroneous. Topics include: OBATA statement on population decline, role of the governing state in relation to making the Empire a stabilizing force in the region, testimony of TSUGITA, support for charge that HAYASHI continued the policy of HIROTA, conspiracy for economic preparation, Capital Flight Prevention Bill, Foreign Exchange Control Bill, iron manufacturing industry, steel supply, speech by TAKAHASHI, Automobile Industry Control Bill, aircraft figures of Liebert, production of U. S. aircraft, ISHIBASHI figures, SAKURAUCHI speech, "Scrap and Build Program," shipbiulding industry, OKADA on Japan's war potential, Iron and Steel Industry Bill and YOSHINO's statement, laws controlling shipping, imports / exports, and trading in rice, speech by Minister NAGAI, Machine Tool Industry Bill, National General Mobilization Bill, Heavy Industries, Bill for Light Metal Manufacturing Industries, alleged coal shortage, chemical industry developed for purpose of war, Petroleum Control Bill, witness OKAZATI, YOSHINO's testimony, Japanese attempts to produce synthetic oil, U. S. increase in military and naval armaments, American fleet in Hawaii as threat to Japan, Port Moresby in Australian territory in New Guinea and therefore not subject to mandate, witness MIYO, statements of Oliver Lyttleton and ex-President Herbert Hoover.