As a result of his brutal treatment of POWs and internees, plus his involvement with the narcotics trade in Manchuria, Doihara was convicted on counts 1, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 54 and 55. He was sentenced to death and hung on December 23, 1948 at Sugamo Prison. During the trial, his American Associate Counsel was Frank E. N. Warren. Naoyoshi Tsukazaki started out as his Japanese Chief Counsel before Kinjiro Ohta took over. His Japanese Associate Counsel team was alternatively comprised of Kunji Kanase, Kohei Iwama, Hachiro Okuyama, and Toshiko Sugai. Controversially, he was later enshrined, along with 13 other convicted defendants, at the Yasukuni Shrine.