Economic News No. 16

Economic News No. 16

Date 17 November 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 17
Folder Tokyo News/Economic November 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: Silk, Rayon Manufacturers Want Lower Consumption Tax; Living Aid Sums Raised for Needy Persons; 8,000 Samples of Tokyo Products to be Shown in Kansai City Soon; First Stock-Brokers' Assn. In Japan Formed in Ayage-ken; Tobacco Leaves in Tokushima Reach 385,000 kg. for Season; rayon Output for 1948 (Goal 50 Million Lb.); Demand and Supply of Sugar Given for Nov. '47 - Oct. '48, by Minister; Ships to Help Transport New Year Food Stuff's As Railways Threatened with 60% Reduction; Leaf Tobacco Crop in Techigi; Leather Goods for Export from Osaka Area; Introducing Economic Journals of Japan