Page 18
Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
that direction, Germany immediately withdrew her military advisors from China, stopped delivery of war materials and recognized Manchukuo*4.7 Thus, by early 1938 the accused who were directing and influencing the course of Japanese aggression in East Asia had won the unreserved support of Germany in her plans against China as. well as against the Soviet Union,
In this important period of the first KONOYE Cabinet, positions held by the accused were as follows? ARAKI, Supreme War Councillor and in October 1937-Cabiriet Advisor; DOHIHAKA, Lt. General in command of 14th Division; HASHIMOTO, Colonel in comm¬and 13th Heavy Field Artillery Regiment; HIRi{|UMA, President of Privy Council; HIROT^, Foreign Minister and President Planning Board; HOSHINO, Chief, General Affairs Bureau in Hanchukuo; ITAGAKI, Lt. General attached Amy General Staff; KAYA, Finance Minister and member of several Cabinet Bureaus, including Inves¬tigation, Manchurian and Opium; KIDO, Welfare Minister; KIHURA, Major-General, Director Ordnance Bureau, War Ministry; KOISO, General, in command Korean Army; MITSUI, General, in command of the army at Nanking; MATSUOKA, President, South Ilanchurian Rail¬way, and in October 1937-Cabinet Advisor; iENAMI, Governor- General of Korea; MUTO, Chief of Section,.Army General Staff; NAGANO, Commander-in-Chief, Combined Fleet and concurrently First Fleet; OKA, Captain Warship Zingei; OKAYZA, Director General, East Asia Research Institute of South Manchurian Railway; 0SHI11A, Major General, Military Attache Embassy in Germany; SATO, Lt. Colonel, Investigator Planning Office; SHIGEHITSU, Ambassador to
47Exhibit 594-, TP 6,601, 6,016.