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Parent | Transferring materials concerning The Tripartite Pact and The Anti-Comintern Pact |
Date | 19 September 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 5 |
Folder | General Memoranda and Reports from September 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
If there were further developments in the Balkans, they could be continued as the occasion arose. The axis guarantee for Rumania was not sympathetic to the Russians, but they had come to an understanding on the Rumania petroleum, in view of strong Germany economic interests in the Balkans.?Ç¥ This excerpt from the document was not introduced to the Tribunal in evidence. (Another excerpt was introduced in evidence and bears Exhibit N 632-A). But the Defense may introduce itself the part quoted above and to use it for their purposes. 5) Telegram from German Ambassador in Tokyo Ott to Berlin on May 6, 1941. In a conversation with Ott Matsuoka said that: ?Ç£Stalin had answered him that there could be no question of Russia?ÇÖs concluding a pact with the Anglo-Saxon powers . . . According to Stalin, the Soviet Union had not joined the Tripartite Pact because the allied powers were not in need of Russian assistance. However in case this was necessary Russia was prepared to cooperate with