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Parent | Addition of Legal Personnel |
Date | 6 December 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from December 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
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Mr. J. B. Keenan
2) Speeding up of the Trial. I am glad to report that splendid progress is being made by the Netherlands Section in the presentation of its phase of the case. They began on Tuesday and there is a possibility of their finishing today; though it is more likely that they will not finish until noon Monday. This represents a saving of several days.
You will be interested to know that Mr. Eugene Williams referred the opening statement of Major Lopez to me for study. I made certain recommendations and as a result Lopez has eliminated about three pages of the most objectionable features.
In connection with the evidence regarding atrocities, I want to point out that the Court made some very pointed observations to Justice Mansfield regarding the length of evidence dealing with conventional war crimes, the reason of which is equally applicable to atrocities. The President stated that the Tribunal was very much concerned with the length of the evidence dealing with conventional war crimes and made special reference to at4rocities. I would not be at all surprised if the Tribunal did not of its own motion limit the testimony relating to atrocities and prisoners of war before the contemplated evidence is completed. If this occurs it will tax our capacity to the utmost to be ready with additional evidence relating to the individuals. This presents the most important reason why the sending of additional legal help should be expedited.
I hope to review Justice Mansfield’s evidence with him within a few days. Two or three days of his testimony was sandwiched in between Mr. Higgins’ phase and the Netherlands phase.
3) Preparation for Cross-examination of Defense Witnesses. We propose to set up an organization for the careful study of all the defense witnesses, which, as you know, will involve hundreds of people. We can not have too much time for this work and it will tax the legal and investigation staff to the utmost.
I trust you had a pleasant return trip, and that upon your arrival you found your family well.
Sincerely yours,
Frank S. Tavenner, Jr.
Cc: Mr. Mahaney
Mr. Keenan’s files