Page 46
Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
legally obligated to suspend traffic of commodities consigned to China , yet the 7ar Ministry approved the bombing of the Yunan railway and such bombing occurred frequently in the latter part
of 1939. 117
0S-3.A, timing his action with the initiation of war by Hitler against Poland, advised military aggression in the south¬ern areas of Greater East Asia and against Hongkong for which
the Japanese navy was prepared,118 and near the same time General
TEEAUCHI admitted to German representatives that it was in Japan's
best interest to bring to a peaceful settlement the war with
China and to utilize the strength of the Japanese army and fleet
in the south where, in the economic field, greater benefits were
to be gained. 119
With respect to Japanese-German relations, Stammer and
Ott reported on 23 February 1940 that OSTXU, 3KIEAT0EI and
others remained "in an unchanged friendly attitude and ready for
every support," and means were being taken to strengthen pro-
German influences in the Foreign Ministry and the Army. 120 There followed an apparent stiffening of political attitude between Japan on the one hand and England and America on the other, aris¬ing out of protests against the Japanese sponsored and established Wang Ching-wei Chinese government at Nanking. lumbers ox wi© Diet pressed the Foreign minister for a strengthening of relations
117.Exhibit 616-A, TP 6,801 6,812.
118.Exhibit 509, YP 6,136
119.Exhibit 511, TP 6,141