Page 49
Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
given a "carte blanche, for Japan" and a pledge of support in
the future. 126
On 17 June 194-0, France asked armistice terns of
Germany. Two days later on 19 June 1940, the Japanese Foreign
Hinistry pointed out to Germany Japan's special interest in the
future fate of French Indo-China, stressed the fact that Japan
had rendered Germany essential service in the European War by
tying down American forces in the Pacific, and suggested a
German declaration by which Japan would receive a free hand in
Indo-China. The German Ambassador suggested a reply calculated
to embarrass the YONAI government and influence its replacement
by a cabinet which would be closer to Germany. 127 A categori¬cal answer was not given immediately.
On 18 June 1940, a decision was reached at a Four Ministersf Conference that a request be submitted to French Indo-China regarding discontinuance of assistance to Chiang
Kai-shek and in event of refusal by the French that force be
Employed 128 On the following day strong representations were made by the Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs to the French Ambassador with regard to the prohibition of transporta¬tion through Indo-China of materials in aid of the Chungking Regime, and consent of the French Government to the dispatch of
126.(a) Exhibit 517, TP 6,156
(B) Exhibit 518, TP 6,159
(C) Exhibit 519, YP 6,161
127.Exhibit 520, TP 6,162
128.Exhibit 619, TP 6,824