Japan - Economic Situation

Economic News No. 187

News excerpts from the Economic News issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: Blackmarket Prices, Especially Those of Staple Foods, Rise Markedly; Board of Trade Publishes Data on Exports & Imports for April, 1948; ¥100 Million Floating in Air, Agri. & Forest. Ministry Looking for Payees; Irish Potato Crop This Year Better Than 1947, Estimated at 600 Million Kan; Electric Power Supply Situation Again Bad for Whole Country; First Restricted Account to be Freed Probably in September; World Economic Trend and Japan; Some 300,000 Cho-bu of Land Untillable, Amelioration Expenses Cut Illogical.
1948CE Jun 14th

Tokyo News No. 4,576-A - Economic

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: Post of Construction Board Head Causes Trouble within Democratic Party Circles; ¥130-$1 Likely to be Exchange Rate, Estimated from New Gold, Silver Prices; Learn from USA (Letter to the Editor); 'Brothers of the Orient' Advocated by Chinese Woman Writer Now in Japan; Government Workers in Labor Dispute May Appeal to Central Labor Commission; Effects of Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki Noted; Fortune-Teller Reminded of War; Mat Profiteer Arrested; Summary of News in Japanese Press
1947CE Apr 25th

Tokyo News No. 4,555-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: "Nationwide Lecture Tours are Outrageous", Four Opposition Parties Issue Statement; "Part of State Affairs", Says Minister of State Nishio; Prices of "Peace", "Corona" Hiked, New Tobacco Band to be Yen 30, Sake Will be Yen 250 from October; City Tramfare Raised to ¥2: Takes Effect From 1 September; "Brighter Tokyo" Movement After; Farmers' Union to Act Separately from Communists, Issues Statement on Future Actions; '210th Day' to be Quiet as Typhoon Moves Westward to Continent, Says Observatory; Mob Violence (Letter to the Editor); Government Railway Officials Criticize Emperor's Special Train, Some Favor Abolition; Warcraft 'Mikasa' to Become Aquarium, Open Space to be Made into Seaside Park; Summary of News in Japanese Times.
1947CE Aug 30th

Cabinet Decision of October 25, 1940 (Tentative Translation)

Tentative translation of the cabinet decision reached at the October 25, 1940 regarding measures for economic development of the Netherlands East Indies. Lists resolutions decided upon given Japan's desire to strengthen economic relations with the NEI, especially in light of the Tri-Partite Pact. Focuses on measures that it would like to induce NEI to enact regarding commodities, trade, and dependence. Frames in terms of Japan's co-existence and co-prosperity.

Tokyo News No. 4,586-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: Price of New Rice to be Discussed by Cabinet Council Today; Decision may be Delayed; Governors Submit Resolution to Government relative to Rice Delivery; Comment on Current Topics; Nation-Wide Peace Movement Planned for November 3; Fears of Inflation due to Export, Import of Consumer Goods Difficult; Independent Source for Prefectural Taxes Suggested by Vice-Minister of Finance; Traveling Health Exhibition Train to Visit 85 Places; Summary of News in the Japanese Press
1947CE Oct 7th

Tokyo News No. 4,559-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: New Party Movement on Again, Separate Peace Cabinet May Be in Offing, Four Veteran Diplomats Meet; NCIO Members Working for Occupation Forces Decide to Submit Allowance Demands; Permission Given to Japanese to Ride Allied Fordes Cars with 2nd-Class Tickets; Ridiculous Bureaucratic Control (Letter to the Editor); System of Exchanging Sake for Rice Popular, Tokyo Saves 1,535 Koku; Coal Output from August Shows Kyushu Mines Went Over the Top; Honest Employees of Gov't Railways Praised in Letter Sent to Mainichi; Bi-Sexual Child Causes Family Troubles in Shizuoka Village; Summary of News in Japanese Press.
1947CE Sep 4th

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 22 - Sugar

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on the role of Sugar in Japan's economy. Entered as Defense Document 500-A-22. Handwritten note states "Reproduce all. Smith." Describes the locations within the Japanese Empire that produce sugar, but notes that "Japan proper depends very heavily on imports for its supply." Refining facilities have been built and large quantities of refined sugar are exported after processing. Gives a pessimistic view of the industry in the post-war era, especially with the likely loss of Loo Choo (Ryu Kyu) Islands where are sizeable amount of raw sugar is grown. [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1945CE Jul


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