
Tactics Used by Germans to Urge Japan Into War Bared in Note Written by Oshima News Article

Reports on information sent by Hiroshi Oshima, Japanese Ambassador to Germany, in 1941 stating that Germany believed Japan should "get in the war and get in on the spoils" because "any delay in attacking the United States would only permit the Americans to gain strength for a joint attack with Great Britain against Japan." Describes discussions between Oshima and German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop.

Collaboration between Japan, Germany and Italy Vol. VII

Lengthy document prepared by prosecuting attorneys outlining the evidence (including documents and exhibit numbers) relevant to the case the prosecution built against Japan regarding their relations with Germany and Italy. Volume VII discusses the no separate peace and the military agreement between Japan, Germany, and Italy. Gives a detailed sequence of events, including communication, between the three countries. Includes underlines and mark-up highlighting important parts of the document for the IPS.

Collaboration between Japan, Germany and Italy Vol. VI

Lengthy document prepared by prosecuting attorneys outlining the evidence (including documents and exhibit numbers) relevant to the case the prosecution built against Japan regarding their relations with Germany and Italy. Volume VI discusses cultural and trade agreements between Japan, Germany and Italy. Gives a detailed sequence of events, including communication, between the three countries. Includes underlines and mark-up highlighting important parts of the document for the IPS.

Doc. 6907 - Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy, Volume 1 - Opening Statement

Lengthy document prepared by prosecuting attorneys outlining the evidence (including documents and exhibit numbers) relevant to the case the prosecution built against Japan regarding their relations with Germany and Italy. Volume I provides the opening statement given by the prosecution to launch the section proving collaboration between the three countries. Gives a detailed sequence of events, including communication, between the three countries. Includes underlines and mark-up highlighting important parts of the document for the IPS.

Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III

Lengthy document prepared by prosecuting attorneys outlining the evidence (including documents and exhibit numbers) relevant to the case the prosecution built against Japan regarding their relations with Germany and Italy. Volume III discusses the Tripartite Pact specifically focusing on the negotiations for a Tri-Partite Military Alliance. Gives a detailed sequence of events, including communication, between the three countries. Includes underlines and mark-up highlighting important parts of the document for the IPS.
1940CE Feb 23rd


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