
Doc. No. 921 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Original of Protocol between Germany, Italy, and Japan and attached copies of Anti-Comintern Agreement between Germany and Japan as well as of annexed protocol to the Anti-Comintern Agreement. Persons implicated: HIROTA, Koki; OSHIMA, Hiroshi, MUSHAKOJI, Kintomo; HOTTA, Masaaki. Crimes to which document applicable: Conspiracy for aggressive warfare.
1946CE Mar 21st

Doc. No. 949 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Proceedings of Privy Council, Nov. 2 1936, re (1) "Ratification of Agreement for Suppression Use of Opium for Smoking," (2) "KWANTUNG Province Opium Order," (3) "Anti-Comintern Agreement." Persons Implicated: HIRANUMA, Kiichiro; HIROTA, Koki; SUZUKI, Kantaro; TERAUCHI, Count Hisaichi; ARITA, Koki (Present at meeting). Crimes to which document applicable: Background of opium trade; conspiracy against international peace.
1946CE Mar 25th

Doc. No. 1392 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of "Minutes of Joint Conference of Army, Navy, and Foreign Office Authorities on Intensification of Coalition Among Japan, Germany and Italy." Persons implicated: ANTO, ISHIZAWA, and TAJIRI (all Chiefs of Section, Foreign Ministry); Lt. Col. TAKAYAMA (Army); Maj. TANEMURA (General Staff); Commander SHIBA (Navy). Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression -- French Indo-China; conspiracy for world domination.
1946CE Apr 17th

Reflecting on the War

Speech given by Takako NAGAYO on December 20, 1945 regarding December 8, 1941 (the attack on Pearl Harbor), the entry into an all out war, and the propaganda that led to such circumstances. It is critical of the Japanese government's actions and it outlines the military's actions throughout the war. Closes by mentioning the atomic bomb and the "declaration of war from Russia."
1945CE Dec 20th

War Crimes Prosecution Planning Memorandum

Top secret planning memorandum for the prosecution of war criminals after World War II, including, but not limited to: individuals (Hitler, Goering, Himmler, and others); organizations (such as the S. S. and Gestapo). On the first page of the document is written this warning: "Caution: This is not yet an agreed plan. The circulation of this paper by the immediate members of the Chief of Counsel's staff will be limited to those accredited individuals whose work makes access to the paper necessary." The memorandum was produced by the authorization of John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War.
1945CE May 17th

Doc. No. 1254 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Policy to French Indo-China and Problems of Retrocession of French Concession in China and Removal of the Chunking Organ in France. Persons implicated: YOSHIZAWA; TANI; MITANI; AOKI; SHIOZAWA; OSHIMA; SHIGEMITSU; TAJIRI; KURIYAMA; KITAZAWA. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression, French Indo-China; Conspiracy
1946CE Apr 10th

Doc. No. 1308 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Minutes of Joint Conference of Army, Navy and Foreign Office Authorities for Intensifying the Coalition of Japan, Germany and Italy. Persons implicated: Lt. Col. TAKAYAMA (War Ministry); Comdr. SHIBA (Navy); Capt. ONO (Naval General Staff); ANTO (Section Chief, Foreign Ministry; ISHIZAWA (Same); TOKUNAGA, (Secretary); KURUSU, Saburo. Crimes to which document applicable: "Conspiracy for aggressive war, expansion."
1946CE Apr 12th


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