Japanese-Soviet Relations

Doc. No. 1634 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Important Decisions re: International and National Policies. Persons Implicated: HIROTA, Koki; UMEZU, Yushijiro; (TERAUCHI); NAGANO, Osami; SHIMADA, Shigetaro; (SUGIYAMA) (KONOE); KAYA, Okinori; KIDO, Koichi. Crimes to which document applicable: All China Military Aggression, Economic Aggression, Preparations for War, Relations with Germany, USSR
1946CE May 17th

Jap Intrigue in North China Told at Trial News Article

Reports on the Soviet-Mongolian Protocol that was revealed in court in which "as early as November, 1934, the Soviet Union and the Mongolian Peoples' Republic had a 'gentleman's agreement' for mutual military aid supposedly to counter-act Japanese expansion in the Republic." Excerpts from the secret agreements were read into evidence. Brief news wire service reports alert readers that Martin Bormann, "Hitler's missing deputy part leader, was seen in Munich only a week ago and that a house to house search for him is going on." Also gives an update on the Nuremberg trials where assistant prosecutor Charles Dubost presented the closing argument for France and joined Great Britain in calling for the death penalty for the top Nazis on trial.

Group Numbers and Assigned Counsel

Lists the assigned counsel for each group assigned to specific aspects of the trial. Groups include: 1. Japanese Constitution, Written and Customary, and the Functions of the Various Offices Held by Defendants; 2. Manchurian Military Aggression, 1931-1945; 3. All China Military Aggression, 1937-1945; 4. Economic Aggression in China, 1932-1945; 5. Narcotics in China and Elsewhere, 1923-1945; 6. Preparations for War; 7. Preparing Japanese Opinion for War; 8. Relations with Germany, Italy, France, and Thailand; 9. Relations with U. S. S. R.; 10. Relations with U. S. A. and British Commonwealth; 11. Relations with Netherlands and Portugal; 12. Class B Offenses; 13. Class C. Offenses 1931-45; 14. Law Relating to Class A; 15. Law Relating to Class B and C.

Foreign Minister Baron Tanaka's Speech at the 54th Session of the Imperial Diet

Document No. 760. Speech by Foreign Minister Baron Tanaka at the 54th Session of the Imperial Diet given on January 21, 1928. Topics discussed include relations with the League of Nations, Great Britain, the United States, France (regarding French Indo-China), the U. S. S. R., and China. Goes into details regarding Japan's policy towards China as well as plans for commerce treaties.


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