Trial Progress

Soviet Representatives on Tribunal Arrives News Article

Reports that A. E. Zaryanov (Soviet representative for the IMTFE) and S. A. Golunsky (Soviet associate prosecutor) have arrived in Tokyo to assume their positions for the war crimes tribunal. Another news wire piece reports that Chen Kung-po, Japanese appointed puppet in China, was sentenced to death in Soochow.

Evidence in Jap Trials Assailed by Chicagoan News Article

Reports on the commentary offered by Lt. Robert J. Collins, defense attorney representing Major Yaichi Rikitake at the Yokohama war crimes trials. Rikitake was charged with "the death of 150 allied prisoners." Collins maintained that hearsay evidence admitted through affidavit would never have been allowed in the American court system, but was being allowed at the war crimes trial. Other news items reported on include the sentencing of Isamu Ishihara for torturing American prisoners while serving as an interpreter at Shanghai prisoner camps and the execution of thirteen Japanese convicted of war crimes in Canberra, Australia.

Japanese Forces Said Unprepared for China Affair News Article

Reports on the testimony of General Hayao Tada who told the Tribunal that "no plans for the Pacific War were made during his tenure of office as Vice-Chief of General Staff between August, 1937 and December, 1938." He repeatedly emphasized that "fighting in China had broken out spontaneously." The prosecution objected to his testimony and brought up the earlier affidavit given by Colonel David D. Barrett who "believed that the incident at Wanping, near Marco Polo Bridge, was the 'carefully prepared excuse for the second stage of Japan's undeclared war on China.'" Also discusses the defense cross-examination of Wang Len-chai, magistrate of Wanpinghsian and the introduction of the prosecution's witness, A. A. Dorrance, "formerly manager of the Standard Oil Company in Hankow."

Discord Prevalent on China Incident, Defendant Reveals News Article

Reports on Kenryo Sato's thoughts regarding Japan's policy towards the China Incident. Sato served as the Press Section Chief of the War Ministry. In a series of speeches entered into evidence, the Tribunal heard about the disorganized policy and the "disagreement among the governmental ministries." In addition, other excerpts told of "a number of efforts to bring about peace including an attempt at mediation by the German Ambassador in Tokyo, as well as peace feelers by Chiang Kai-shek." Also describes Hachiro Arita's role regarding China and that the prosecution's submission of evidence "created such a wrangle that the court proceedings were reduced to a snail's pace."

Envoy in U. S. Warned Jap Before Attack News Article

Reports that "thirteen days before Pearl Harbor, Japan's Ambassador to the United States warned his country it would be blamed and accused of trickery if Japan started war during the course of the peace negotiations which were then in progress." The warning was sent by Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura.
1946CE Jul 16th

Aggression Plot to Link 3 Areas in Continent Bared News Article

Reports on the testimony given by Ryukichi Tanaka regarding propaganda, the patriotic league Sakurai Kai, the Kwantung Army, and aggression in Manchuria. Names specific policies taken by the Tojo government and the Five Year Plan for Manchuoka. At one point, the article states "Prosecutor Sackett then attempted to delve into the autonomous movements that were launched in Mongolia and North China. Lawrence J. McManus, defense counsel, objected heatedly to the devastating statements made by Tanaka on the ground of irrelevancy, but Justice Webb declared that the issues before the Tribunal were so vast, multitudinous, involved and co-related that he could hardly judge what is and what is not relevant."

450 More Japanese Are Listed for Trial News Article

Reports on the approval by the United Nations war crimes commission to include 450 more Japanese to be tried as war criminals. Other news items discussed include the meeting of Fusaaki Uzawa, Iichiro Kiyose and 20 lawyers at the office of the Association of Lawyers Defending Class A War Crime Suspects at the Nissan Building. Also includes information on the release of Shigo Tsuda who had been incarcerated at Sugamo prison.


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