Jap Schoolboys Taught to Love War, Court Told News Article

Jap Schoolboys Taught to Love War, Court Told News Article

Language English
Collection C.W.J. Phelps Collection
Box Box 2
Folder Second Phelps Scrap Book
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Reports on the testimony of Lt. Col. Donald R. Nugent (who served as the head of Gen. MacArthur's civil information and education section). Under questioning by assistant prosecutor Valentine Hammack, Nugent stated that "up to 40 per cent of a student's time in schools at Wakayama and Osaka . . . was taken up with militaristic studies." Also goes into detail regarding how the defense counsel tried to counter Nugent's testimony and trip him up. Summarizes what the prosecution hopes to achieve during the first phase of the chase, including "that Jap militarists began an organized campaign in 1922 to condition the national mind of aggressive warfare."