Item: Opening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War Phase August 1, 1947Opening Statement - Pacific Phase - Military SubdivisionReport on Witnesses - Naval PhaseDocuments 2109-A, B, C, 2133, 1989Opening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War Phase August 1, 1947YAMAMOTO, Chikao, Def. Doc. No. 2016 and TERAI, Kunizo, Def. Doc. No. 2080Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 11, 1947Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 11, 1947Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 8, 1947Opening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War Phase August 1, 1947Interrogation of Japanese NationalsAffidavit of YAMAZAKI, Shigeru, Defense Document No. 1696Incoming Message re: WCL 43796Defense Witnesses - Pacific Phase - Military SubdivisionPacific Phase - Diplomatic Subdivision August 12, 1947Opening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War PhaseIIMURA, Minoru (Jo)Press interest in Trials August 21, 1947Statement of Defense Evidence relating to DOHIHARA, KenjiDefense Witnesses - Pacific Phase; SAITO, Seiei - Def. Doc. #2038; SUGITA, Kazuji - Def. Doc. #1921Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Koiso August 15, 1947SHORIKI, Matsutaro (Case File No. 181)Telecon Conference re: War CrimesOrder Granting Extension of TimePacific War Phase of the Defense - French-Indo-ChinaComparison of 1500 documents with complete report of HearingsComparison of 1500 documents with complete report of HearingsBooks concerning Greater East Asia War (Pearl Harbor)Excerpts offered by the Defense of Pearl Harbor Investigation Hearings - Comparison with Copies of OriginalsAnalysis of Documentary Evidence August 12, 1947Teletype Conference August 27, 1947Special Assignments, Pacific War PhaseExcerpts Offered by the Defense of Pearl Harbor Investigation - Comparison with OriginalComparison of 1500 documents with complete report of hearingsAnalysis of Documentary Evidence August 12, 1947Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 11, 1947Defense Document #1897 - Policy and questions on cross-examination of YAMAMOTO, ChikaoDef. Doc. No. 1500-H-6Pearl Harbor Investigation, Def. Doc. No. 1500-J-4 - etc.Summaries of Portions Omitted for Defense Excerpts from the Pearl Harbor HearingsDefense Document 626-A-9Pros. Evidence in Opium OffensesInaccuracies in translation of documentsDefense Witnesses - Pacific PhaseExhibit 859Affidavit of YAMAZAKI, Shigeru, Defense Document No. 1696Pact of Paris, 27 August 1928Affidavits of ARAKI WitnessesSpecial Assignment - Re. Extent to Which Prosecution May Rely Upon Interrogations of Defendants Introduced by the Defense August 13, 1947Paper No. 1073, Request for Directions by Michael Levin on Behalf of HOSHINA, OSHIMA, SHIRATORI, KAYA and SUZUKIAgreement of Views Between German and Japanese Navy Concerning the Use of SubmarinesOutgoing Cable for KeenanRe Lieutenant Steiner's Report on Private and Tentative Drafts for Japanese-American UnderstandingDefense Witnesses - Pacific Phase - Military Subdivision August 25, 1947Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) Tojo, Muto August 19, 1947Defense Documents August 25, 1947Defense Witnesses - Pacific PhaseOSHIMA's Activities Between October 1939 and February 1941OSHIMA's Activities Between October 1939 and February 1941Opening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War PhaseSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Koiso August 19, 1947Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Koiso August 11, 1947Final Japanese Memorandum of December 6-7 1941Analysis of Documentary Evidence August 14, 1947Yamamoto and baby code message to KurusuObjection to Request for Directions by Michael Levin on behalf of HOSHINO, OSHIMA, KAYA and SUZUKIReport on Witnesses and Affidavits, Pacific Phase - NavyExtent to which Prosecution may rely upon interrogatories of defendants, introduced by the DefenseSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) Tojo August 7, 1947KODAMA, Yoshio, Showa Trading Co. (Sponsored by the Japanese Army) and Banwa Kikan (Sponsored by the Japanese Navy)Question of Admissibility of InterrogationsSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Sato August 4, 1947Analysis of Documentary EvidenceSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Itagaki August 15, 1947Explanation of Exhibit #859 (IPS Doc. No. 9023)Defense Affidavits by Japanese Held in N.E.IEnglish translation of Document on disbursements of Special Military ExpendituresRe Colonel Fixel's Memorandum on Extent to which Prosecution may rely upon interrogatories of defendentsSpecial Studies and other Recent Summaries and CompilationRecommended Interrogation of ABE, ANDO, and OHASHITreaty Documents, Japanese Documents, AdmissibilityUEMURA, Kogoro, Def. Doc. No. 1924Defense Witnesses - Pacific Phase August 29, 1947Analysis of Documentary EvidencePrivate and Tentative Drafts for Japanese-American UnderstandingSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) Tojo, Muto August 19, 1947Affidavit of Paul W. Wenneker, Def. Doc. No. 1972Pacific War Phase of the Defense - French Indo-ChinaIntercepted Message of 10 July 1937Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) Tojo, Muto August 8, 1947Japanese American Negotiations; Documents 3112-(1) to 3112-(4)Exhibit 884 - Statement by Wakamatsu Makoto, and Exhibit 2998 - Affidavit of Wakamatsu MakotoODAJIMA, Tadashi - Def. Doc. #2173Liaison Conferences, Personnel Attending During Period 21 July - 8 December 1941Special Assignments - Pacific PhaseOpening Statement by Defense on the Pacific War Phase August 1, 1947Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) Muto, Tojo August 7, 1947Current AssignmentsDefense Witnesses Concerning Occupation of Hainan Islands and French Indo-ChinaTreaty Documents, Japanese Documents, AdmissibilityAffidavit of ISHII, Masani (Defense Document No. 381)Report on Witnesses and Affidavits, Pacific Phase, Mandated IslandsStatements regarding Paul W. Wenneker in Kretschmer's StatementAdmiral Paul. W. Wenneker (Addition to Memo on same subject dated 1 August 1947)Affidavit of Erich BoltzeTranslation of Document 1373Report on Witnesses August 1, 1947Chronological Statements of Prosecution's EvidenceExhibit 839Affidavit of Uemura KogoroSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Koiso August 7, 1947Answers to Inquiries on Intercepted Dispatch and Mr. Brooks' Complaint on Documents; and additional Documents from Washington and NurembergIncoming Message for TavennerMemorandum re 1500-O-5 - 1500-W-5 - 1500-X-5 - 1500-Y-5Affidavits of YAMAMOTO, Chikio, Defense Document No. 2016 and TERAI, Kunizo, Defense Document No. 2080Removal of Certain Individuals from Lists of War Crimes SuspectsSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Koiso August 6, 1947Def. Doc. No. 1500-K-6, Excerpt from Testimony of WELLESSecret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant Sato August 8, 1947 Japanese Foreign Ministry Secret Funds Interrogation Transcripts Citation(s) re the Defendant(s) xxx - Tojo August 8, 1947 Report on Witness KASE, Toshikazu, Defense Document 2063 Special Assignment - Pacific War Phase August 13, 1947 Special Assignment - Pacific War Phase August 14, 1947 Defense Witnesses - Pacific Phase - Military Subdivision Re Laverge's Report - Pacific War Phase Intercepted Japanese Telegrams Introduced by the ProsecutionFolder Number: 4ADMIN Missing: