Japan - Economic Situation

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 25 - Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on the role of Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid in Japan's economy. Handwritten note states "Reproduce All. Smith." Entered as Defense Document 500-A-25. Summarizes that "Japan is the principal world producer of pyrites and the third largest producer of sulfur, the two raw materials chiefly used for the manufacture of sulfuric acid." Gives statistics, including tables, on Japan's production, export, and import of sulfur and sulfuric acid. Notes that the two are not related in Japan as they are in the United States. [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1945CE Jul

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 24 - Textile Machinery

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on the role of Textile Machinery in Japan's economy. Handwritten note states "Reproduce All. Smith." Gives the history of textile machinery, noting the remarkable change from the 1920s to 1938 when Japan could produce "practically all the textile machinery it required" and was "exporting it to the value of more than 30 million yen annually." In fact, Japan had displaced Great Britain "as the principal supplier of textile machinery in China; Korea and Manchuria also depend on Japanese machinery, and even British India was a purchaser." Describes the effect of the war on the textile machinery industry, noting that much was converted to the war effort. With the rebuilding of this industry post-war, the equipment and personnel will be readily available to again convert over to production for war. [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1945CE Jul

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 1 - Cement

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on Cement as a commodity and investigates its position in Japan's economy as a raw material. An overview of its extensive uses as well as charts analyzing the consumption and production of cement in various industries over different years is given. In addition to Japan proper, supply and demand is analyzed for Manchuria, Korea, Formosa and other areas (Empire and Non-Empire). [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1944CE Nov

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 12 - Tea

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on Tea as a commodity and investigates its position in Japan's economy for trade. [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1945CE Apr

Tokyo News No. 4,669-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: Four-Party Pact Repudiated by Socialist Convention, Asanuma is Elected Chief Party Secretary, Katayama Chairman; Democratic Party to Hold Convention Today; 3-Party Coalition Nearing end, Liberal Party Secretary Says; Another Domiciliary Search of Kotbuki Maternity Home Conducted; Racketeer Newspapers & Bosses and Brokers at Coal Mines Under Strict Control; First Invocation of State Authority Against Defaulting Farmers This Year; "Neck-Slashing" Phantom Terrorizes Women in Fukagawa Ward; Railway Fares to be Raised from March:Transportation Minister Makes Statement; Blackmarket Tobacco Vendors in Streets Given Fines; Mr. Blunden Hold First Lecture at Tokyo University; Summary of News in Japanese Press
1948CE Jan 20th

Tokyo News No. 4,659-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: Cabinet Studies Administrative Adjustments, Finance Ministry Wants to Reduce Expenditures; Reparations Board Planned, to Start Work Next Month; People's Cooperative Party Will Not Split, Communications Minister Asserts; Comment on Current Topics; A New, Handy Chinese, Japanese and English Dictionary Completed by Italian Linguist, Author of Many Lexicons; Perpetual Dynamo to Generate Electricity by Utilizing Ebb and Flow of Tide Invented by Japanese; Train Services Suspended Again, Tohoku Line Paralyzed; Restrictions on Industrial Users of Electricity Tightened by the Commerce and Industry Ministry; Two Youths, War Veterans, Start International Peace Movement; Japan's Political Leaders, Their Character and action Analyzed (Translated from the Book "Seikai New Face"); Summary of News In Japanese Press
1948CE Jan 8th

Tokyo News No. 4,631-A

News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines includes: New Police System to be Inaugurated by End of Year; Six Big Urban Areas First; to Re-Examine Economic Deconcentration Bill, Government Business Diet to Study; 20 Out of 24 Democrats Who Opposed Goal Mines Control Bill Secede from Party, Seven Already Dismissed; Comment on Current Topics; Citizens More Cautious Than Before In Buying ¥1 Million Lottery Tickets; Government's "Sound Finances" Police Threatened by Black Market Tobaccos, which Undersell Government Tobaccos; Reckless Deforestation Blamed for Poor Water Power Resources, Far Worse Electric Supply Situation Predicted for January; 231 Cases of Unlawful Firing, Complained to the C. L. R. B.; Japanese Mint Lands A New Job, Making Medals and Trinkets; Summary of News in Japanese Press
1947CE Dec 2nd

Japanese Trade Studies, Special Industry Analysis No. 14 - Phosphate Rock

Report prepared for the Foreign Economic Administration by a member of the staff of the United States Tariff Commission. This study focuses on Phosphate as a commodity and investigates its position in Japan's economy as a raw material. After summarizing the importance of phosphates, especially in fertilizers, gives estimates for post-war period needs and capabilities (including repercussions for increasing Japan's strength once more). [Note: Date field reflects when the original document was written and not the date the IPS reproduced the document for inclusion in evidence]
1945CE May


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