
Ching Lacks Facts to Back Testimony Accusing Doihara News Article

Reports on the testimony given by General Ching Teh-chun regarding Kenji Doihara's connection with the Mukden Incident. Defense counsel Lt. Col. Franklin Warren conducted the cross-examination. Teh-chun had earlier testified as to the Chinese governmental strength regarding Manchuria, the autonomy of local governments, and the Lytton report. The article also describes the demeanor and attitude exhibited by the witness during questioning.

Perpetuation of testimony by witnesses in U. S. for Presentation to International Military Tribunal

For the Judge Advocate General. SPJGV 1945/5464. AVF/rl/gg/rrs/79722. Discusses how and under which circumstances "various types of testimony and evidentiary materials, including statements by witnesses, documentary evidence, governmental decrees, official publications, photographs, and the like are admissible before an international tribunal"
1945CE Jun 18th

Exhibit No. 3886, R. 38722

Sworn Depostion of KAWABE, Torashiro. Gives backgound, location and actions of KAWABE during the war as a Military Attache of the Japanese Embassy. Discusses the telegraphic codes of the War Ministry, the Navy Ministry, and the Foreign Office. Discusses telegrams between OSHIMA and the Deputy Chief of the General Staff as well as the negotiations for a Japan-Germany-Italy treaty.
1948CE Jan 23rd

Exhibit 3885, R. 38,722

Sworn deposition of HASHIMOTO Gun. Gives his background and actions during the war as Chief of the Operational Division of the Geenral Staff from January 1938 until September 1939. Discusses the telegrams dispatched, received, or exchanged by the General Staff. HASHIMOTO gives information regarding telegrams with Ambassador OSHIMA as well as the negotiations for a treaty between Japan, Germany and Italy.
1948CE Jan 26th


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