Pearl Harbor

Nippon Times, March 21, 1946

(The 21st Year of Showa). No. 16,884. Nippon Times full edition for Thursday, March 21, 1946. Includes some highlights on the first column of the first page on an article title "Nippon Efforts to Negotiate War Cessation End in Failure, Konoye Memoir Discloses. Move for Peace Started in February 1945 - Hirota-Malik Talks Futile." Article concluded on page 3. Also includes news about China, the U. S. Stock Market, military movements, the execution of Hungarian Nazis, reforms to be enacted by the Japanese Education Minister, and general world news.
1946CE Mar 21st

Doc. No. 98 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, Grew's memoirs re outbreak of hostilities. Persons implicated: TOGO; OHNO. Crimes to which document applicable: Relations with U. S. Summary of Relevant points: "Mr. Grew's account of the delivery of the proclamation of war, and the Jap statement on the function of the Embassy."
1946CE May 31st

Doc. No. 95 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, Memo of Conversation -- Secretary of State and Japanese Ambassador. Persons implicated: KURUSU. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression; attack on Pearl Harbor. Summary of relevant points: "Re delivery of note declaring war. /A.N.: Footnote #72, p. 786, gives background of the time elements, (Tokyo-Washington), involved in attack on Pearl Harbor./
1946CE May 31st

Reflecting on the War

Speech given by Takako NAGAYO on December 20, 1945 regarding December 8, 1941 (the attack on Pearl Harbor), the entry into an all out war, and the propaganda that led to such circumstances. It is critical of the Japanese government's actions and it outlines the military's actions throughout the war. Closes by mentioning the atomic bomb and the "declaration of war from Russia."
1945CE Dec 20th

Attack Plans Disclosed at Homma Trial News Article

Reports on the testimony of Col. Yoshio Nakajima who asserted at the Yokohama trial of Gen. Homma that "orders for the invasion of the Philippines were issued Nov. 29, 1941 - 18 days before the attack on Pearl Harbor." He also testified to the timeline of other events leading up to Pearl Harbor. Also recounts the testimony of Lt. Gen. Takeji Wachi, chief of staff for Homma, regarding prisoner treatment.

Doc. No. 96 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, memo handed Secretary of State by Japanese Ambassador. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression; relations with U. S. and G. B. Summary of relevant points: "Copy of note terminating negotiations, (delivered at 2:20 p.m., 7 Dec 41), and stating Japan's position. /A.N.: See supplement of Doc. #95, for American answer."
1946CE May 31st

HIROTA on the 7 December 1941 Note

Comyns Carr submits to Sandusky a brief summary of the major points HIROTA gave during his interrogation of 23 March 1946. HIROTA stated that he did not attend the Imperial Conference on 1 December 1941 but was present at a November 1941 meeting when TOJO discussed the government plan for war. Further answering on that November meeting, HIROTA stated that he did not know what was sent in the 7 December 1941 note to Cordell Hull.
1946CE Mar 26th

IPS Doc. No. 15-H - Ex. 1194 - Intercepted Diplomatic Messages re Pearl Harbor

Contains excerpt from "Pearl Harbor. Intercepted Diplomatic Messages sent by the Japanese Government between July 1 and December 8, 1941. Printed for the use of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack by United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1945, p. 199." In a communication from Tokyo to Washington on 29 November 1941, the sender conveys the Imperial Government's position regarding negotiations with the United States, including the China problem, to their negotiating representative. The telegram concludes with "(In carrying out this instruction, please be careful that this does not lead to anything like a breaking off of negotiations.)" [Note: Date of document reflects the original date of the communication]
1941CE Nov 29th


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