Prisoners of War (POWs)
Beating Prisoners Likened to Black Market by Jap News Article
Torturer at POW Camp Accused of War Crimes News Article
Common Trial Set for 4 Japanese News Article
Army Tribunal Acquits First Jap Defendant News Article
Reports the acquittal of Shunsuke Kato at the Yokohama trial held by the Eighth Army Military Commission. It was the first acquittal by this group. Gives details regarding the case against Kato who had been "accused of assisting Cpl. Naraichi Chihara to beat prisoners." Kato's defense included assertions that he was only following direct orders from his supervisor. Also reports on the sentencing of Pvt. Truo Ono and Cpl. Motoichi Sakagami.
Prison Chief to be Tried by 8th Army News Article
Reports on the upcoming trial of Capt. Yuhichi Sakachi Sakamoto (a Japanese prison commandant) in front of the Eighth Army military commission in Yokohama. He was charged with ordering prisoner's of war to celebrate President Roosevelt's death. Col. Oliver E. Trechter was scheduled to serve as the judge. Another news wire piece reports on the progress of Capt. Isao Fukuhara's trial.
Japanese to be Tried for Abusing 13 Yanks News Article
Reports on the trial of Tomio Yamada who was accused of "abusing at least 13 American prisoners of war and contributing to the death of two" while he was a guard at an Osaka area camp. Indicates that one of the abused men was Seaman 1st class Edwin H. Jahn and that Lt. Paul von Bergen of Wyandotte, Michigan will help prosecute.
'Buried Alive' May Have Been Soldier's Fate News Article
Reports on the trial of Lieut. Miyoroku Okada in Yokohama for his actions as commandant of the Nagoya prisoner of war camp. Includes information from the affidavits of 23 fellow prisoners who described the beating and subsequent burial of Aviation Ordnanceman Doyle W. Waggoner of Shreveport, Louisiana. Another news wire items report on the not guilty pleas offered by Nobuo Kanayama, Tsuyoshi Sadai and Kiyoichi Mori at the Eighth Army commission Yokohama trial, the charges against Tsutomu Shiba (former captain and medical officer in the Japanese army) in Tokyo, and the release of thirteen Japanese accused war criminals from Sugamo prison after they were acquitted of "charges of maltreating Allied war prisoners."
Hirate Must Hang As War Criminal, Verdict News Article
Reports on the sentencing of death by hanging of Capt. Kaichi Hirate, "Japanese prisoner of war camp commandant, guilty of brutal atrocities against Allied prisoners." Relates the arguments used by the prosecution and the defense during the trial that took place at Yokohama.
Maj. Achille Tisdelle News Clipping
Photograph with caption "Maj. Achille Tisdell (left), Chicago, reads to newsman at Manila trial of Gen. Homma diary he kept while prisoner of Japs. It was printed in The Tribune recently.