Reports on the imprisonment of Capt. Toshio Tsuneyoshi and Lt. Masanori Hattori for "having committed atrocities against Allied prisoners of war in the Philippines.
Reports on the three Doolittle fliers who were executed by Japanese after being taken prisoner following their actions in China. The names had been previously withheld and include: Lt. Dean E. Hallmark, Lt. William G. Farrow, and Sgt. Harold A. Spatz. Photographs of the men are included.
Reports on the arrival at Sugamo prison of 41 war suspects accused of executing American pilots and "torturing, beating and starving American prisoners of war." Included in the group were Lt. Col. Kikuji Ito and Sgt. Maj. Hidekitsu Tanakadate.
Reports that Keenan is upset with Homma's defense counsel position that "a procession of judicial lynchings without due process of law may now follow" in the wake of the U. S. Supreme Courts decision to reject Homma's appeal of his death sentence from the Manila trial. Also reports that Tatsuo Tsuchiya was convicted in the Yokohama trial by the Eighth Army commission for atrocities committed against prisoners.
Reports on the imprisonment of Lt. Gen. Eikuma Ishida and Maj. Gen. Misao Uno in Sugamo prison on charges of bayoneting prisoners and mistreatment of others.
Reports that roughly 9,000 former prisoners of war will be interviewed for testimony to use in the Tokyo and Manila war crimes trials. In addition, "ninety former prisoners will return to give direct testimony."
Reports on the statement by Col. Guy H. Stubbs, "a survivor of the Death March of Bataan and 41 months in Japanese prison camps" that former prisoners of war should testify at the war crimes trials in order to help convict the accused Japanese defendants.